July 2024 Minutes (Campbellford Minor Hockey)

PrintJuly 2024 Minutes

CMHA Meeting Agenda 2024 2025

Sunday July 14, 2024

Meeting @ Fire Hall 6:30pm

Attendance: Jacquie, Nancy, Joanna, Wayne, Nolan, Kurtis, Casey, Glen, Kyle

Absent: Pudge, Kristy, Sean


1)     Jacob and Elijah Brahaney

a)     Development:

                                               i)          power skating 15-20 minutes

                                              ii)          Split into groups (forwards and defense)

                                            iii)          Small area games

                                            iv)          Group numbers max 15

                                             v)          Sunday Mornings in Warkworth 9-1 or 8-11

                                            vi)          Goalie: Jamie McKelvie or Anthony (Jakob recommended)

Email police check letters: done


2)     Approve June Agenda: Casey will upload June and May's agenda to Whatsapp for the executives to approve. Once approved, they will be uploaded to Campbellford Minor Hockey website.


3)     Confidentiality forms for everyone and Police Checks need to be linked to Spordle account

a)     Need to get Pudge and Kristy to sign: tabled to next meeting.


4)     Policy Manual Update: 10 minutes: Still unable to project, will have copies printed for next meeting.


5)     Registration:

a)     Open June 15

b)     14 players registered

c)     21 players transferred out


6)     Financial Report

a)     Ice rental: $100 for HBM last of the ice rentals.

b)     Awards/AGM $1013.61



7)     Coaches:

a)     U8 and U18 coach? No one has applied yet. Unsure of numbers for the U18.

b)     Morgan McMillian

 We motioned to allow Morgan McMillian to be the coach of the U8 team.

Motion: Kyle

Second: Kurtis

All in favour

8)     U5 Jerseys

a)     Group birth years with coloured jerseys (2017,2018, 2019, 2020)

b)     15 in each group

c)     Kurtis will order Monday


9)     Social Media

a)     Jason has created a memo to share with players to initial and sign prior to the beginning of the season


10)  U5/Jen Geurin

a)     On board, for information night for U5-U8 together (wants to be at the meeting)

                                               i)          Meeting, mid-to late September

                                              ii)          Parents will need to get respect of sport, Spordle account updated with all information

                                            iii)          Jersey's available and socks

b)     U8 age and down, If players want to play games, players will be assigned to a team. New to hockey players can have 4 sessions with Jen (U5). If players are not assigned to a team initially, they will not be added later, even if parents change their minds.


11)  Tournaments 2024/2025

a)     Kyle has a made a suggestion to the town, if a tournament is booked, that the hospitality room is booked for the tournament as well

b)     Due to logistics and unknowns, we will only host a  U7 and U8 jamboree.

                                               i)          Website will be set up to allow teams to register for our Jamborees.

                                              ii)          January 4 and February 8 will be Jamboree dates


12)  Ice Schedule

a)     Warkworth Minor, Stallions playing in Warkworth, Thunder was present for scheduling meeting with the municipality

b)     Guaranteed ice in Campbellford by Thanksgiving weekend

c)     Warkworth: September 8 will get turned on, with goal of ice to be ready at least the 18th of September or sooner

d)     Quinte AAA has asked the Municipality to use Campbellford for one of their age groups as their home team location

e)     Talked with Marmora (Sept 6) and Norwood (sept 3rd), will book our ice as soon as we can. Preskates can begin September 3rd.


13)  Golf Tournament

a)     Nolan will look into booking a time in July or August for next year.


14)  Fall Dance-Look into renting the upstairs of the arena

a)     Wayne will talk with town about booking a time at the arena


15)  Jersey and name bars

a)     U11 will have 3 teams

b)     Will need team sponsors for divisions that will have more than one LL team. We should know more next month.

c)     Name bars have been added to the U15 Jersey's


16)  OMHA report

a)     One U21 to transfer out

b)     Anyone going for Jr. C does not need Permission to skate


17)  LL Update

a)     $250 bond for Fines

b)     The 5-goal rule was tabled. Glen has requested for this to be brought back up before season begins


18) Head trainer:

a)     Wayne to ask a preferred individual


19) LL coaches- should we put them in place now? Hard to do, until rep tryouts are done.


20) Cassy Turner: make donation a to help out a player in need with registration


Next Meeting: Wednesday August 14 fire hall




Meeting Adjourn