May 2024 Minutes (Campbellford Minor Hockey)

PrintMay 2024 Minutes

CMHA Meeting Agenda 2024 2025

Wednesday May 1, 2024

Meeting @ Fire Hall 6:30pm

Attendance: Wayne, Pudge, Jason, Kyle, Jacquie, Glen ,Casey, Nolan, Nancy, Kristy, Joanna

Absent: Kurtis, Sean

1)     Ladies Auxiliary:

-        Included in the fundraiser events

-        Offer help where we can

-        Would like to discuss what CMHA would like to see/goal at the beginning of the year

-        Hockey pictures?

-        Tournaments: work with the convenor to offer assistance

-        Pledge an amount over a set number of year

-        They will figure out the main contact person, meet for when needed


2)     Confidentiality forms for everyone and Police Checks need to be linked to sportle account

a)     Casey will ensure forms are ready to be signed next meeting

b)     Following up on people who are running clinics

c)     Will get more information on this


3)     New Executive:

President (2 year term):       

Nominate: Wayne

Second: Joanna

            All in favour

Vice President: 

Nonimate: Joanna

Second: Pudge

All in favour

Past President: Mike Sherwin

Treasure (2 Year term):

            Nominate: Kristy

Second: Jacquie

All in favour


Nominate: Casey

Second: Nancy

All Favour


Nominate: Jacquie

Second: Nancy

All in favour

Ice Scheduler:

Nominate: Kyle

Second: Joanna

All in favour

Coaching Convenor:

             Nominate: Sean

            Second: Casey

All in favour:

Sponsorship Manager:

Nominate: Wayne, Kurtis, and Nolan

            Second: Casey

All in favour

Equipment Manager:

Nominate: Kurtis

Second: Casey 

All in favour

Development convenor:

Nominate: Jason an Nolan

            All in favour

Motion to  create a development  committee

            Motion: Wayne

            Second : Joanna

            All in favour


            Nominates: Nancy and Jason


-        8 Yes, 2 no

            Alternate: Nancy

-        2 Yes, 11 no

All in favour

LL Rep:

Nominate: Glen

Second: Jacquie

All in favour

Tournament Convenor:

Nominate: Joanna

Second: Pudge

            All in favour

Arbitrator inputter-

Nominate Joanna

            Second: Casey

All in favour

Head Trainer: TBD set it up, look into having a trainer do it.




All in favour


4)     Job Description:

Golf Tournament:

Policy Committee: Kristy and Casey

Website: Nancy and Jason

Social Media: Casey

Harassment Committee:Wayne, Jason, Pudge, Glen 

Tournament Committee: Everyone as required

Development Committee: Jason, Nolan and Sean

Motion: Casey

Second: Glen

All in favour



Team Conveyors:

Glen to co-convene as the LL rep for all age divisions

            IP/U7/U8: Joanna

U9-  Casey

            U11- Pudge

            U13- Nolan

            U15- Glen

            U18/21- Nancy

Motion: Glen


All in favour


5)     Registration :

a)     Should we open now? Same incentive as last year:  Incentive- register and pay in full before August 1st, and one person will win their registration fee back.

                                               i)          All in favour of offering the incentive

b)     Open registration after AGM OMHA- June 7 and 8th, looking like mid June

c)     Drop down:

-        Are you new to hockey

-        Are you interested in the second rep team, if provided by OMHA

-        Mandatory emails, phone numbers


d)     Teams for 2024 2025 season:

                                               i)          U7- 2 LL

                                              ii)          U8- 2 LL

                                            iii)          U9- 2 LL, 1 MD

                                            iv)          U11- 2LL, 2 Rep, 1 Select

                                             v)          U13-  2LL, 2 Rep, 1 Select

                                            vi)          U15- 1LL, 1 rep

                                           vii)          U18- 1LL, 1 Rep




e)     Fees

                                               i)          $300 U5

                                              ii)          $450 U7/U8

                                            iii)          $650 U9

                                            iv)          $700 U11 up  ($100 tryout fee)

                                             v)          Motion for goalie incentive: Motion to give a goalie incentive age U11 and up for players committed to be goalie for the season. Players U7 to U9 interested in the goalie position and committed to development will also be given the incentive. Executive will evaluate at Christmas to give fees back. Decided by the Executive in consultation with the coach.

Motion: Glen

Second: Kyle

All in favour


            Motion: Jason

            Second: Casey

            All in favour


6)     U18- Parents are concerned about enough players to roster a team. Will discuss as registration begins


7)     Financial Report

a)     Price of sign: $1650 comes with 300 new letters, $625 for new cage, comes with Colts logo- Wayne to purchase

Motion to purchase new sign: Wayne

Second: Joanna

In favour

b)     Sell old sign on Facebook Marketplace. Casey and Wayne will take care of


8)     Coaching

a)     Applications

                                               i)          U8: 0

                                              ii)          U9: 1- Kevin welch

                                            iii)          U11:6- Sean McNeil,Mike Summerfelt (assistant),Joanna Linton, Kyle Gilders, Paul McEvoy, Chad Belfry

                                            iv)          U13: Blain Thompson, Scott Chapman, Jeff Petherick, Marc Tanner, Briar Hislop (Second entry), Glen Patfield

                                             v)          U15: Blain Thompson, Steve Tombs, Ryan Yarrow

                                            vi)          U18:Tyler Revoy


b)     Coaching Interviews:  4  panel members, and 3 executives (Wayne, Glen, Jason, Sean), take the recommendations from the panel members. Panel will bring back recommendations to the executive to make a final decision.

                                               i)          Mid May

                                              ii)          Sean and Wayne will discuss and set up interviews


9)     Golf Tournament- Saturday May 25, 2024 Warkworth Golf course (Casey, Nolan help with signs)

a)     Hole sponsors: need to pound the pavement. Casey will get a list of sponsors from last year from Sarah. Will divide up and conquer as a whole.

b)     5 teams registered so far

c)     9 am shotgun start

d)     Signs out, registration at the tournament- List of members/non-members

e)     Wayne is going to ask the ladies auxiliary who is available to help


10)  App to use for executive

a)     Square: approximately $400 a month

b)     Nancy, Kristy, Casey will look into keeping the app or switching to new.


11)  Fall Dance-table it


12)  Policy Manual Update: Kristy and Casey have been working through updating our Policy Manual.  Starting next meeting, Kristy and Casey will present changes to the policy manual, we will do 10 minutes each meeting until completed.  We will have copies of the changes proposed.


Next meeting: June 2, 6:30 firehall




Meeting Adjourn