September 2024 Minutes (Campbellford Minor Hockey)

PrintSeptember 2024 Minutes

CMHA Meeting Agenda 2024 2025

Monday September 9, 2024

Meeting @ Fire Hall 6:30pm

Attendance: Glen, Casey, Jason, Kyle, Wayne, Joanna, Kristy, Nolan, Jacquie, Kurtis, Nancy

Absent: Pudge, Sean

1)    August 2.0  minutes to be posted: Vote

-Need to do next meeting

2)    Policy Manual Update: 10 minutes: Everyone will get a hard copy of requested changes

3)    Registration:

a)    tryout tickets:

b)    U5: 7 + 3 U7 overagers

c)    U7:25

                                      i)        1 under ager: meets CMHA criteria,

d)    U8:13+ 1 under ager

e)    U9: 18 + 1

                                      i)        Have 2 LL teams

                                     ii)        Casey will email parent group to explain situation cc Wayne

f)     U11:38 (5 + 1 goalie) (32)

                                      i)        2 goalies staying

                                     ii)        Joanna would like 13 skaters max with a goalie

                                   iii)        3 teams

(1)  Rep: 12 + goalie

(2)  LL: 11

(3)  LL: 12

                                   iv)        Parents meeting on Friday at the pre skates: explain what the second rep looks like. Survey sent out.

(1)  Yes: 3 to second entry

(2)  No: 10 no

(3)  No second entry team will happen at this age group

g)    U13:44 +1

                                      i)        3 goalies

                                     ii)        Blaine would like 11-12 skaters + goalie

                                    Rep: 13 + 1 goalie

                                    LL: 13+ 1 goalie

                                    LL: 13+ 1 goalie

                                   iii)        Parent meeting held Friday night at preskates. Explain how the second entry team will work Second entry rep team response: Jason will email parents who completed the survey to let them know the outcome

(1)  6 yes

(2)  12 no

h)    U15:24 + NRP (goalie)

                                      i)        2 teams ( maybe more as we wait to hear about Norwood)

                                     ii)        Rep: Steve Tombs a big bench (16 and 2 max):

Rep: 12 + goalie

                                   iii)        LL: 11 + goalie

i)      U18:Parent meeting with them on Friday at preskates, we declared no rep team

                                      i)        19 + 1

                                     ii)        1 goalie, Wayne waited at the arena to all the skaters who wanted a release

(1)  6 would like a release, one since.

                                   iii)        We will have a cap number on registration

                                   iv)        Have a potential coach for LL

4)    Select teams- will discuss further at the next meeting

5)    Financial Report

a)    Insurance OMHA bill paid

6)    Jersey Bar sponsor:

a)    U11? Wayne will reach out

b)    U13-Jesse Lee Electric- Casey has sponsor letter

7)    Ice

a)    Schedule- everything is ok

8)    Police Checks/Spordle

a)    Coaches and bench staff are getting completed

9)    OMHA report

a)    September 18 team declaration

b)    Scheduling September 29 Stirling, league to begin October 4

10) LL Update

a)    Scheduling meeting September 30 -U11/U21

b)    U11-U21- Oct 15 Season will begin

c)    U7-U9 season starts Oct 25

11) Development:

a)    Goalies and numbers, going to practices to help development,more discussion is needed here

b)    Brahaney: Sean has a schedule; October 21st to start

                                      i)        96 kids in get 6 sessions be done by Second week of January

                                     ii)        Need to discuss next time what this will look like for how to register and who gets the opportunity to participate

12) Information night u5-U8 : Wednesday September 18, 2024

a)    7pm Upstairs at the arena-booked

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 17 6:30 Firehall

Motion: Kurtis


Meeting Adjourn