CMHA Meeting Agenda 2024 2025
Sunday December 15, 2024
Meeting @ Fire Hall 6:30pm
Attendance: Kristy, Jason, Joanna, Wayne, Kyle, Sean, Nolan, Casey, Chad,Jacquie
Absent: Pudge, Kurtis,Clevy
Policy Manual update 10 minutes- tabled next meeting
OMHA report:
VSC- waiting new information from OHF on next steps for those waiting on their police checks
Social Media: inappropriate things on team individual pages
Playoffs finalized- Scheduling meeting. January 6th 2025
LL Report
Different awards for volunteers-
Jan 10th player deadline for transfers
Jan 15th last day to AP
Feb 10th adding new players who have not been approved to play anywhere else
Ref issues:
3 suspensions this month
U7 wrap up tournament has been sent out- do we register all three teams
Nolan will reach out to the U7 teams if they are wanting to register first weekend in March
One 18 game curfewed. LL games are not to be curfew
Jamboree: Motion to pay U7 and U8 jamboree fees for our home tournament
Motion: Joanna
Second: Kristy
All in favour, abstain Chad and Nolan
Financial Report
Collected money for most players, approximately 8 players with outstanding , money is still being sent in
Motion to accept financial report: Kyle
Sponsor Bars for U13LL black and U11LL yellow: Did we get them on with the correct size?
U11 are both done.
U13 still not done
New Arena Storage area: Daniel Giddings $1500 a bin, if we ordered more, we will look into other options
Hockey day in Campbellford:
See ladies auxiliary notes
50/50 went great
Ladies Auxiliary: Picture day went well, all happy
Our role: use to run canteen to give back to minor hockey, purchase of socks, tournaments, help minor hockey where possible. 5 people on the committee to, Deanna Patfield, Jackie Turner, Rachel Watson, Angela Wellman, Charity Kerr and Carol
. Pop up Tuesday night 5-7 and Saturday all day.
Hockey day huge success raised approx $4200
Sock payment: given to Carol, probably pay half of the invoice
Motion to prioritize our own governance and what it looks like in being compliant with incorporation and then define our relationship with ladies auxiliary
Motion: Kristy
Second Sean
All in favour
Equipment:Where are we with these
New jersey bags with home and away- price from Ricarts
Puck carries x 3- taken care of
Whiteboards for coaches: Nolan will go to Hockey Stick man to get a price
We are incorporated
3 parts to take care
By-Laws in compliant
Governance piece updated
Need to be compliant by our AGM and financial audit complete with CPA
Action item have Kate McNeil to come in and explain what needs to be done
Open Borders
Likely an open border will happen next year. Meeting with OHF was postponed
U10 and up and AAA down pick where you want to go
No action now, we need to think about how to brand CMHA better, what we can offer the players, better coaching, social media key on how good we are, new arena, potentially lower registration fees, need to be competitive
Players in Uniform: If player injured can sit on the bench as long as they can wear full uniform
Disrespecting officials: Penalties are up 76% this year for disrespecting. Other organizations are taking extra punishments.
Harassment updates
Other players in change rooms- no other people should be in change rooms
Coaches workshop
Offer it
Sean will look into getting a date
Bring up to council the use of multi-purpose room to allow minor hockey to use the room, Jason, will write a letter
Feedback goalie clinic: positive feedback
Kristy on vacation: will have an auto reply. Joanna and Wayne will be the contact person
Jamboree: Jan 4th, looking for food, Joanna will reach out to Kurtis, Wayne McDonalds
Time clock volunteer
Next Meeting: Feb 2, 2025
Motion to adjourn: Kyle
Meeting Adjourn