CMHA Meeting Agenda 2024 2025
Sunday February 23, 2025
Meeting @ Fire Hall 6:00pm
Attendance: Nolan, Jason, Kyle, Wayne, Joanna, Pudge,Kristy, Jacquie, Casey, Sean
Absent: Clevy, Kurtis, Chad
Policy Manual update 10 minutes-need to table until incorporation is updated
OMHA report:
Applied for additional rep teams for next season, added U18 and U9MD were approved and submitted to OHF
Lots of interest in U16 age groups for next year, 6 have put in. Need to go Lakeshore league, if interest continues to have 6 or more, EMOHL will look at a league going forward
U9 full ice pilot took place in the Waterloo/Guelph area, OMHA would like to apply for a full ice for next year
Lost of interest in spring tryouts, over half the league have committed
Expect to play hockey during March Break
LL Report:
Wrap up weekends have been paid for and registered
Financial Report
Paid for ice at the arena
50/50 revenue is up
Motion to approve Financial Report
Motion: Joanna
Second: Kyle
All in favour
Jamboree: U7 has been done
127 happy meal vouchers turned in out of the 160 that were given out
Success, no negative feedback
U5-U8 wrap up nights
March 4, 5, 6 Minntek room is booked from 5:30-7:30
Ladies auxiliary looking after the trophies, pizza, drinks and snacks
Executive's help is not required
Sponsor Bars for U13LL black
Jesse Lee has paid for for sponsorship, no sponsor bars have been added to the jerseys
Motion to approve Jesse Lee electric will not have to pay for sponsorship next year 2025/2026
Motion: Kristy
Second: Jacquie
All in favour
Storage Space at arena
Did the portable hanging carts get ordered? Yes ordered
Black out cover- Nolan will get a quote
Trophies from red barn and pictures are at the new arena
Only 5-6 can be dried clean out of the 55
Town has indicated that any mold will not be going into the new arena. They are not wanting the old banners at the arena
Not enough space to hang all of them, cannot hang over the ice, roof is not high enough
Could look at new ones like Warkworth, consolidate some
Next step go in hang up banners and take picture, do mock ups and go from there
Pictures: idea get them plagued (like Norwood) and put up behind the stands as a walk down memory lane
Next Step: look at getting a sub committee to help with Banners and Pictures. Joanna will contact Scott Newman to help move this forward
Incorporation: Going good
Waiting on quotes from accounting firms
Documents and directors list have been updated
Ice in April/May
Body Checking clinic-Will fill in after the pre skates, Clevy will look at booking Vince
Preskates-16 hours per team- need to be done before the 18th of April
April 27th-28th Showcase for Trent Hills Thunder
U11-13 tryouts have to run from May 3rd to May 9
U15-U18 tryouts have to run from May 5 to May 11
Coaches Application
U11- 4 applied
U13 -5 applied
U15-1 applied
U18-1 applied
Interviews: Waiting to see the Coaching conveners schedule,and panel, trying to get done as soon as we can.
U5 for next Season
Jen needs Coach 1 intro to coaching- looks like she has it,we just need to reach out and get it merged.
Overagers in the group: logistically keeping the overagers to the U5 roster instead of rostering them to their age division.
Look into asking if we can roster them to U5 as they are not apart of the Leo league
Golf Tournament
Booked for August 23rd
Budget for prices
Swag bag to give to each golfer
Motion to give $1500 to put towards prizes and event
Motion: Sean
Second: Jason
All in favour
Coaches Banquet
Friday in April available at the Curling Club open $300 everything including bar We will book for April 25th, look at booking the Legion as the curling club may not be able to accommodate our numbers
Amanda Twigg, can cater
Approximately 120 people with bench staff and their partners
Coaches awards
Digital form to invite
Once we get our accountant and timeline, we will hold our AGM, as we will need a financial audit before we can hold.
Facebook promoting Coaching applications-
Awards: form and new director forms
Up the end of the week
Registration fees: need to be prepare to get a number sooner than later
Player awards
Wednesday April 16th
Casey will contact High School to book
Casey will email Sean the awards that the coaches will need to do
Next Meeting: Tentatively Sunday March 9th @ 6:30pm Firehall
Motion to adjourn: Kyle
Meeting Adjourn